
"In grip of fever fear, school ready to shut"

This article was introduced in The seminer which I take and I was interested in this.

Kumamoto Gakuen Universitiy directed exchange students in theU.S. , Canada and New Zealand to come back to Japan.

If you were interested in this article, please click here and read.

After read...
The University told us they preceded in safety of their students.
But I think it is not good decision.
Why does the University give chose to students???
I think it was high risk of catching virus to come back to Japan.
I heard it possible to be infected with swine flu on the air plane.
But some of my friends who were exchange students returned to Japan.
I am worried that whether they can study abroad again :(

suspicion(疑い) : He was arrested on suspicion of steal.
draft(~を起草する) : She is busy drafting her speech for her friend's wedding reception.
ban(禁止する) : Smorking is banned in this room.
confirm(確認された) : New evidence is confirmed about a murder.
prioritize(~を優先させる) : The goverment prioritize assistance to Afghanistan.
reveal(明らかにする) : I revealed a secret to him.
diagnosis(診断) : diagnosis of an illness
suspect(~を怪しいと思う) : I suspected he was lying to me.
symptom(徴候) : symptom of a serious illness

1 件のコメント:

  1. Good job! I agree with you about this decision. I would like to change it but, unfortunately, I have very little power. I don't think the examples of the words you looked up are from the article you read, are they?
