
"Eco points' prove a hit; TV sales up as much as 80%"

This content of article...

We can get "eco points" by buying electrical appliances(ex: TV, air conditioners, refrigerator).
We save "eco points" and can exchange for other goods or services.
The Japanese goverment expect to boost sales.
But The gorverment doesn't decide the way to exchange "eco points" for other goods or services yet.

After read...

I think this program don't continue permanently.
These electrical appliances are not often bought new one again.
I can't believe that the gorverment don't decide detail of this project, yet.

If you want to read this article, please click here

launch(名詞:開始 動詞:開始する): launch a new business
retail(小売り): They are 10% off retail.
brisk(活発な): The tourism is brisk.
sluggish(不活発な、のろい) : I am sluggish in movement on the chill morning.
appliance(設備、電気器具) = a piece of equipment, especially electrical equipment, such as a Washing Machine or refrigerator, used in people's home

surge(名詞:高まり 動詞:急に上昇する) : Population of elderly people surge by nearly 19% in the past 9 years.

accompany(~と同時に生じる) : Symptom of swine flu not only cough but also accompany a high fever.

ripple(さざ波・波紋) = a small low wave on the surface of the liquid
concrete(具体的な、明確な) : Could you explane the reason in the concrete?
procedure(手続き) : What's the procedure for a passport?
finalize(仕上げる) : I couldn't sleep to finalize my assignment.


"In grip of fever fear, school ready to shut"

This article was introduced in The seminer which I take and I was interested in this.

Kumamoto Gakuen Universitiy directed exchange students in theU.S. , Canada and New Zealand to come back to Japan.

If you were interested in this article, please click here and read.

After read...
The University told us they preceded in safety of their students.
But I think it is not good decision.
Why does the University give chose to students???
I think it was high risk of catching virus to come back to Japan.
I heard it possible to be infected with swine flu on the air plane.
But some of my friends who were exchange students returned to Japan.
I am worried that whether they can study abroad again :(

suspicion(疑い) : He was arrested on suspicion of steal.
draft(~を起草する) : She is busy drafting her speech for her friend's wedding reception.
ban(禁止する) : Smorking is banned in this room.
confirm(確認された) : New evidence is confirmed about a murder.
prioritize(~を優先させる) : The goverment prioritize assistance to Afghanistan.
reveal(明らかにする) : I revealed a secret to him.
diagnosis(診断) : diagnosis of an illness
suspect(~を怪しいと思う) : I suspected he was lying to me.
symptom(徴候) : symptom of a serious illness


"Last of octuplets go home"

I found the interesting article on the web site and I want to intoroduce it :)

In Los Angeles...
Nadya Suleman who has 6 children already bore 8 children in one time.
All 14 children were bone in vitro fertilization.
She cares for the children with a team of nannies.
She doesn't work, but she is going to write about her life and publish.

Please click here and read this aticle.

After read...
I was amazed!!!!
I wonder how she lives.
I think she gets money from goverment or by appearing on television.
But does it makes children happy???
"in vitro" is good idea to have baby, but this is for somebody who can't get baby.
So it is not necessary for her.

suburban(郊外の) : suburban area
neonatal(新生児の) : neonatal body weight
herald(先触れをする) : herald the arrival of spring
emerge(明らかになる) : He was emerging as the candidate of next president.
in vitro fertilization(体外受精)
nanny(乳母) : My child has a nanny.